If you are a job seeker having trouble landing a role, know that you are not alone. As economic conditions remain down, the high unemployment numbers from last year have been carrying into 2021. This means that millions of workers may be out of a job for months. Fortunately, we can help.
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Unemployment Is Increasing
According to seasonally adjusted data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average duration of unemployment was 26 weeks in January 2021, up from 22.2 weeks in January 2020, before the onset of the pandemic. In addition, nearly 40% of unemployed persons were unemployed for 27 weeks or longer, up from 19.8% in January 2020. Previously, the longest monthly average duration of unemployment was 26.1 weeks in September 2017.
Job Searches Are Taking Longer
According to a survey by global outplacement and business and executive coaching firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc., job seekers took significantly longer to find new roles in 2020 than in previous years. The average time to find a position last year was 3.05 months, up from 2.7 months in 2019 and 2.9 months in 2018. Compare this to the Great Recession in 2008, when the average job search took 3.5 months, with Q3 requiring an average of 4.4 months to land a job.
The Economy Is Down
During an economic downturn, fewer jobs become available, making it harder to secure one. This is especially true in small towns and rural areas with fewer jobs than in large cities. Also, a company’s hiring process, including the length of the interview process, impacts how long it takes candidates to be offered a role. If job seekers are looking outside their location or industry, the search can take even longer. Whether a candidate is earning certifications or learning new skills impacts the length of their search as well. Plus, job seekers applying to the few higher-level positions that are available face greater competition than those applying to the abundance of entry-level jobs.
Partner With Peoplelink
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