Turning Your Summer Job into a Career
With more and more companies hiring temporary, seasonal help, your summer job may be your best bet for employment...
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“What’s Your 5-Year Plan?”
“Where do you see yourself in five years?” It’s simply another variation of this dreaded interview question. But when...
Ahead of the Times New Roman
As a leading recruiting agency, Peoplelink knows your resume is your ticket into to the interviewing process. What it says...
Getting Past the Phone Screen
Phone screens are the new first step in the interviewing process for many companies. While you may never have...
6 Silly Interview Mistakes
As a leading staffing agency, we’ve seen it all when it comes to mistakes made during the job interview. Here is...
How to List Temp Work on Your Resume
Worked as a temporary in the past? Wondering the best way to highlight that experience on your resume? As...
Top Growing Career Fields in 2014
Looking for a new job in 2014? Here’s an overview of some of the country’s top growing career fields:...
Don’t Be a Turkey in Your Next Job Interview
As recruitment experts, Peoplelink knows interviews are stressful, plain and simple. But some people seem to handle them much more gracefully...
4 Tips to Making a Great First Impression
According to Forbes magazine, in just 7 seconds a person develops an impression of you. This includes job interviewers....