As a leading staffing agency, we’ve seen it all when it comes to mistakes made during the job interview. Here is a funny (and scary) look at some of the biggest blunders. If you’re searching for a job, whatever you do, don’t end up on this list!
#1. Chewing Gum
Ok, so you want to have fresh breath when you meet your potential boss. Just remember to spit out that wad of gum before you actually walk into the interview. And if you forget? Then just swallow it discreetly. The last thing you want is a piece of gum standing between you and your next great job opportunity.
#2. Getting Too Comfortable During an Interview
Taking your suit jacket off or worse yet, your shoes, is a little too close for comfort. Whatever you do during a job interview, do not disrobe in any way!
#3. Answering Phone Calls and Texting
“Can you hang on a minute?” Yes, we’ve had job candidates actually ask this while they answered their phone call or a text. Needless to say, they didn’t make it through the hiring process.
If you feel like you’re going to be itching to look at your phone during an interview, your best bet is to leave it in the car. Don’t let an unexpected call from a friend – which you then answer out of habit or because you forgot to turn your phone off – ruin your chances of landing a great job.
#4. Putting the Interviewer On Hold
A quick word of caution: During a phone screen interview, if you get another call on your phone, don’t ever put the interviewer on hold. When you get back on the line, you can pretty much kiss that job offer good-bye.
#5. Dressing Inappropriately
Jeans. Halter tops. Shorts. Stilettos. Oh my! These are exactly the kinds of clothing choices you want to avoid at all costs when going to a job interview. Even if you know the company you’re interviewing with is ultra casual, you still need to adhere to the hard-fast rule of dressing professionally and wearing a suit to an interview.
#6. Gossiping About or Bad Mouthing Past Employers or Co-Workers
Your last boss was a total tyrant! You had the nosiest, most unproductive co-workers! It may be true; but don’t tell it to the hiring manager. They don’t know you and have no idea whom you’ve worked with in the past. So why would they even believe you in the first place? This behavior simply sends the message that you can’t be professional or discreet.
What about you? Have you ever made a silly interview mistake you regretted or heard about one someone else made? Please share it with us if you have!
And if you need help nailing your next interview and finding a great job, call Peoplelink. As a leading staffing agency, we work with top employers all over the country – giving you access to rewarding job opportunities that are a fit for your goals and interests.